
Monday, April 12, 2010

#1. A place where subliminals get dropped like bombs in Iraq.
Nowadays, Facebook is just a place where people talk shit or expose eachother through subliminal statuses. And the thing is that sometimes the subliminals are so exact and detailed to the point where we all know who you're talking about so why don't you just tag them in the damn status?

#2. Publicly putting your relationship problems/fight with your spouse through statuses.
This is the thing that KILLS me. There's no reason why you and your boo/boyfriend/booty call are going back and forth through your statuses. Why is it so hard for couples to just say what they decide to display on their status to their significant other? We don't give a shit about your trust issues, the fact that he's a player, the fact that he enrages you, etc. I repeat: WE DO NOT GIVE A DAMN. So please, stop posting things back and forth. Instead of trying to see how many people will validate your point in the fight by hoping that they press the 'like' button, try handling your relationship issues OFF the internet. It's YOUR relationship - NOT all your friends' on Facebook. Do not complain about everyone being all up in your business when multiple statuses put people in your business when they didn't ask to be. That is all.

#3. Fighting with others through wall posts
How old are we that we can't handle things off the internet? People have now resorted through Facebook to post long ass wall posts talking real reckless. Those who chose to start fights through wall posts look like attention whores who want to give everyone online a show. THEN when they get embarrassed, they get tight? FOR WHAT? You brought it upon yourself. You don't know what the other person has on you so if you plan on starting a fight to grasp the attention of your fellow peers and your business gets put out there, just log off, shut the hell up, and cry in a corner because I told you so.

#4. Posting statuses talking about others when in fact, you're talking about yourself as well.
It boggles my mind when people post statuses bashing other people when they fall right into the same category they want to throw others in. Don't post a status about groupies when in fact, YOU are just as much of a groupie as the broad you're calling one. Don't post a status about females acting childish when you have proven to be the most childish individual through Facebook, time and time again. Don't post a status about phony individuals when you're as fake as pleather.

#5. A place where people think everyone's statuses pertain to them.
No one is talking about you because 9 times out of 10, they don't care about your life or what you have going on. If you think a subliminal is about you, when it really is not, then you fall under whatever category the status or subliminal is talking about. Then when you confront the other person and they tell you it wasn't even meant for you, how do you even look?

Am I missing anything? Because I think I got the bs I see on Facebook on a daily basis pretty much covered.

3 ♥:

Lali said...

someone said it's funny how I do the same thing (I accidently pressed the delete button).

my reply? -- I guess you know what pertains to me better than I do myself right? LOL how you sound.

☻TABOO♥ said...

This is precisely why my facebook account is a thing of the past. At some point we have to grow up... FB just aint it for me.

LOL @ the "accidental" deletion

Lali said...

LOL I legit accidently deleted it because it was my first time working a comment LOL

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