
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

People blame their actions (or lack there of) on their pride and ride it to the end. Not doing something you want to do because of your pride happens to all of us at some point. But to keep using that as an excuse for every situation you're in? Naaaaa. Clearly, your pride doesn't create positive outcomes. You can lose so many people who you could've still had by your side if you didn't allow your pride to get in the way. Lord knows I've had to put my pride aside a COUNTLESS number of times throughout my life because I know that if I didn't, I could potentially lose something I really want or people that I don't want to lose.

Pride can completely destroy relationships, especially when both people involved care about their pride more than anything. We all do things we don't want to do sometimes, and that applies to putting your pride aside.

No one wants to do it, but sometimes you have to do it.

Just some food for thought ...

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