"He don't take me out!"
"She don't pay for shit!"
"Why I gotta tell her I love her? She already knows what it is."
"I aiint about to keep buyin' her everything and she don't know how to buy me a damn thing!"
HUGE words of advice for all men and women: DON'T FORGET THE BASICS.
Yes, you got the girl you wanted .. but who gave you permission to get so comfortable you forgot the basics? Men, don't do that. Do not get too comfortable. We fell in love with the man who always put his all out there when you were trying to get us to be yours and only yours. Why change that when you finally get us? It's so easy to lose a woman that way, and visa versa.
Just because a girl is finally yours, doesn't mean you don't have to take her out anymore like you used to. Us females love when men take us out, whether it's planned or you surprise us with a date. Don't just let that go all the sudden because you feel like, "Well I got your ass now. I don't need to keep impressing you." Yeah, NEGATIVE. The small things like telling a girl she looks gorgeous or texting her that you love her (for those who are on that level) or buying her something JUST BECAUSE sometimes.
This all goes for women too. Don't think it's all up to a man to be doing everything I listed above to keep the relationship alive. It takes two. If you know your man has mention something he wants to get, go get it and surprise him with it. He'll be the happiest boyfriend on the planet earth because it shows you care and went out of your way to surprise him and buy him something he wanted just because you know it would make him happy.
And it wouldn't hurt once in a while for you (females) to pay for a meal. If you clearly establish that he's going to be the one who pays every single time you go out, I don't blame him for decreasing the amount of times you guys go out to the movies or go out to eat somewhere. If ya funds aren't poppin' like that to pay for the whole meal, surprise him and tell him you'll go half and half on the bill.
It's things like the little things that keep both sides of the relationship happy.
I'm just sayin' :)
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