
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

#1. Cell Phone
This gadget is like the Swiss Army knife of undercover sex toys. Put it on vibrate, and it’ll give you and your guy’s hot spots a body-quivering buzz. Or use the video function to record a naughty flick—even though you’ll (wisely) hit delete as soon as the deed is over, just knowing you’re being filmed is a ridiculous turn-on. 

#2. Bobby Pin

These seemingly innocent hair tools can give some serious pleasure to his ultra-sensitive nipples (and they work on you, too). First, use the pointy end to lightly draw circles around, but not quite touching, his headlights. As the circles get closer and closer to his nips, his anticipation will build, causing them to get really erect. Then take his tingly sensations up a notch and use the bobby pins as mini-nipple clamps—since the area is already primed for action, the slight pinching will actually feel good and intensify his pleasure.


Yep, that thing you sleep on is actually a sex prop conveniently built-in to your bed. When you want to kink things up, just take a pillowcase, fold it over a couple of times, and tie it over your guy’s eyes or around his wrists. Have your way with him, and then let him return the favor.

Cashmere Sock

Slip it on his erect penis, wrap your hand around his shaft, and then gently make a slow twisting motion up and down—the soft texture will feel awesome against his sensitive skin (just don’t go fast, or it’ll feel too rough with the fabric). Once you sense he’s super aroused, pull the sock off and surprise him by immediately taking him in your mouth.


Lay on your stomach and have your guy straddle you. Ask him to give you a back massage, slowly sweeping the brush from the top of your shoulders to the backs of your thighs. The gentle pressure of the bristles will perk up all of your hot spots, putting your desire into overdrive.

Tie your lacy underwear around of the base of your guy’s penis. The (very) slight constriction will help him maintain a harder erection (bonus for you!), and once he climaxes, the release will be extra intense.

#7. Mouthwash

Have your guy swish with a little bit before he explores you with his mouth. The menthol will make the sensations you feel really tingly, priming you for a more powerful orgasm.

** HAD to do it for those who do what you do behind closed doors ;) LOL.

   Courtesy of Cosmo Magazine.

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