
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tiger Woods' now ex-wife opens up to People Magazine about her marriage with Tiger, whether or not she attacked him with a golf club, and more! Below is an excerpt from her interview with People Magazine. To read the full interview, be on the look out for the latest issue hitting stands soon!

Elin on surviving finding out her husband was cheating on her:
“I’ve been through hell. It’s hard to think you have this life, and then all of a sudden— was it a lie? You’re struggling because it wasn’t real. But I survived. It was hard, but it didn’t kill me. … I felt stupid as more things were revealed—how could I not have known anything? The word betrayal isn’t strong enough. I felt like my whole world had fallen apart. It seemed that my world as I thought it was had never existed. I felt embarrassed for having been so deceived. I felt betrayed by many people around me.”

Elin on allegedly attacking Tiger Woods with a golf club:
“This was one of the things I had the hardest time with people thinking. There was never any violence inside or outside our home. The speculation that I would have used a golf club to hit him is just truly ridiculous.”

Elin’s plan now that she’s divorced:
“I have been through the stages of disbelief and shock, to anger and ultimately grief over the loss of the family I so badly wanted for my children. I also feel stronger than I ever have. I have confidence in my beliefs, my decisions and myself. My immediate plan is for the kids and me to continue to adjust to our new situation. I am going to keep taking classes, but my main focus is to try to give myself time to heal.”

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