
Monday, August 30, 2010

Brian White married his now wife, Paula Da Silva over the weekend.
Man, he is entirely TOOOO fine. At least he found himself a good looking woman!
I absolutely am in LOVE with this song. 'Can't Be Friends' & 'Bottoms Up' make me think that Trey's new album is going to be nothing less than fire. He's getting so good with his videos and the way they're filmed. This video actually reminds me of Usher's 'Confessions' video A LOT. Anyway, listen, watch, and enjoy :)
LMAO First of all, why are his lips so damn light? Second of all, men should NEVER rap AND do Nicki Minaj's crazy faces. And they DEFINITELY shouldn't make a video of it and post it on YouTube. This man really went IN with it! As ridiculous as he looks, Nicki would be proud because he was so on point with the faces.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

In between moving tons of things into my apartment, and packing, and moving more things in, on top of work, I haven't had time to post like I would love to; but no worries because I'll be back tomorrow!

First day of school and I have an easy ass day ahead of me which means I'll have time to post at some point during the day, so stay tuned!

yours truly

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Miley and her boyfriend of almost a year officially split up. Liam's rep officially confirmed this with People Magazine but did not offer up any details of the split. I'm so mad they split up because they looks sooooooo good together. Clearly looks aren't everything. Lord knows how things were going behind closed doors.
Tiger Woods' now ex-wife opens up to People Magazine about her marriage with Tiger, whether or not she attacked him with a golf club, and more! Below is an excerpt from her interview with People Magazine. To read the full interview, be on the look out for the latest issue hitting stands soon!

Elin on surviving finding out her husband was cheating on her:
“I’ve been through hell. It’s hard to think you have this life, and then all of a sudden— was it a lie? You’re struggling because it wasn’t real. But I survived. It was hard, but it didn’t kill me. … I felt stupid as more things were revealed—how could I not have known anything? The word betrayal isn’t strong enough. I felt like my whole world had fallen apart. It seemed that my world as I thought it was had never existed. I felt embarrassed for having been so deceived. I felt betrayed by many people around me.”

Elin on allegedly attacking Tiger Woods with a golf club:
“This was one of the things I had the hardest time with people thinking. There was never any violence inside or outside our home. The speculation that I would have used a golf club to hit him is just truly ridiculous.”

Elin’s plan now that she’s divorced:
“I have been through the stages of disbelief and shock, to anger and ultimately grief over the loss of the family I so badly wanted for my children. I also feel stronger than I ever have. I have confidence in my beliefs, my decisions and myself. My immediate plan is for the kids and me to continue to adjust to our new situation. I am going to keep taking classes, but my main focus is to try to give myself time to heal.”
This girl is really out to follow Kim Kardashian's footsteps -_____- Too bad she still looks dirty to me.
Just because you throw a lace shawl on, doesn't mean you're classy or the picture is tasteful lol.
F A I L .

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Don’t look back and grieve over the past, for it’s gone. And don’t be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Soulja Boy got STUPID. He had sex with the most INFAMOUS hoe Kat Stacks who is already KNOWN for exposing the people in the industry that she's slept with. Well Kat Stacks filmed from their hotel room all while pretending that she was texting. While she was on the way to his room, she stopped to show the COCAINE LINES that Soulja Boy has get to finish SMH. He really messed up with this one. No one in their right mind who doesn't want to be exposed would have sex with her. SMH. Peep the video below.
Lindsay Lohan got released from her mandatory rehab treatment earlier than expected. She only served 22 days out of the 3 month treatment. When I heard about this, I was all the way annoyed. This girl needs help. Like, I mean ALL the help that she can get. Who's bright idea was it to have her released early? If she relapses back into drugs and alcohol again, the media is going to jump on her like the hawks they are. I honestly hope she learned something from that short stay she had.

Honestly, God bless her soul.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Somewhat of a quick update on my day:

Today we finally were able to get everything together and move into our apartment. Jessica whipped down with me in the disgusting rain to help me move all of my stuff into the apartment in South Orange. Lyric (who's living with me in the apartment) had her whole family there to easily help with moving her stuff in.

JESS & I on the other hand had to be men for the day and lugged all of my stuff into the apartment. It was honestly a damn struggle lmao. Who would've known shoes and clothes weighed as much as they do when they're all packed down together. Oh, moving my mattress in was mission fucking impossible. The security guard literally had us running around lugging this damn mattress because she clearly didn't feel like buzzing to unlock the door -_____- We were entirely TOO annoyed with that. I swear, the people with the EASIEST jobs in life have no problem making other people's lives difficult so they don't have to lift a finger to do basic ass things.

Anyway, after we got all my things into the apartment, it was unpacking time =). Our kitchen looks soooo cute and adorable with our stainless steel & black color scheme going on! Friday I'm supposed to get the two couches moved in (thanks to the help of Daddy) since there was no way anyone else was going to physically be able to lift those couches and carry them into the apartment.

Overall, I'm so happy to finally be moved it =D. I can't wait to be able to call another place HOME. I can't wait to not have to be under the house rules of parents.

Have to be grown and be independent at some point. I'm glad I'm reaching that point so soon ♥
Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we’re gone.
I get to channel my inner Sinatra. In the acting world, you gotta have reference points. I like to get into characters. … There’s a ’50s theme. They got it right, though. They got the set and the wardrobe. I feel like I’m here. There’s a ’50s theme. They got it right, though. They got the set and the wardrobe. I feel like I’m here.

Katy Perry's third album titled Teenage Dream comes out tomorrow! I'll definitely go cop this album tomorrow. I already downloaded some of her album and I love it. Let's hope the rest of the album doesn't disappoint.
Singer Fantasia Barrino finally opened up about her suicide attempt since she's gotten out of the hospital. Fantasia reported to TMZ:

I didn’t have any fight in me. I didn’t care about anything. I just wanted out. At that moment, I wanted out. I wanted it to be over with – all of it, all of that [expletive]. I just sat in the closet and looked at the mirror and took all the pills in the bottle. I wanted to go to sleep and just be at peace. I knew exactly what I was doing. You can’t accidentally take a whole bottle of pills.

I can't wait for her new show to come out to see what the hell was really going on behind the scenes. Obviously her love life had a good amount to do with this, but her family is INSANE so I'm curious to hear about everything that pushed her to that point.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

(via Cosmo ♥)

Why Too Much Love Drives Him Crazy
People tend to assume (incorrectly) that their partner wants the same type of help they themselves would crave, according to one of the University of Iowa studies. But there's a big gap between what men and women need when they're upset. "Men retreat and deal with things alone," says Paul Dobransky, MD, director of "Women, on the other hand, band together."
See, guys learn from an early age that their role is the provider and protector. "Being overly helpful sends him the message that he needs assistance and can't handle it without you," explains Paul Coleman, PhD, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Intimacy. "He doesn't want to be with someone who thinks he's weak." So give him space to decide for himself how much to share with you and the kind of input he wants. And resist sharing your opinion about what he should do next. One of the University of Iowa studies discovered that no one wants unsolicited advice.

For instance, let's say he got passed over for a promotion. Telling him "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" as you give him a huge hug, suggesting he talk to his boss, and promising to help him look for something new can read as though he failed to live up to your expectations—not to mention pile pressure on him to succeed next time. Instead, express confidence in him. "Just tell him ‘I know you can handle this,' and leave it at that unless he asks for more," Coleman urges. "Listen to him, then remind him of a time in the past when he kicked ass."

What's more, overreacting compounds the issue because now he has yet another thing on his mind: whether you're okay. Suddenly, he's not only worrying about the original problem, but he's also worrying about you being stressed over it.

"Your concern can amplify the magnitude of the situation for him," Coleman adds. For example, if he got into a fight with a friend, firing off a ton of questions and coming up with ways to fix things might make him feel like it's a bigger deal than he had thought. Play down the drama by letting him take the lead in talking about it.

And It Doesn't Work for You Either
When you get up in his grill, chances are, some of his anxiety will rub off on you, and the last thing you need is two stress cases. Distancing yourself a bit will help you stay calm and level-headed—hopefully he'll pick up on your cue and chill out too. Plus, "if you keep offering more support than you receive, you risk building up resentment," Coleman warns. Sure, at times everyone gives more than they get, but there should be a general balance. It's exhausting to always take on the role of morale booster. So give yourself a break.

Another risk of shifting into comfort overdrive: You start feeling like his mom, Dr. Dobransky says. Don't go there. You won't see him as your strong, capable boyfriend or husband but as someone who needs coddling. And how sexy is that? Thought so.

The One Kind of Support You Can Never Go Wrong With
Interestingly, there's a certain type of help that always works, no matter what the circumstances. According to recent research from Columbia University, "invisible support"—giving someone a hand behind the scenes so that he doesn't even realize you're assisting him—boosts a person's mood and relaxes him. (Conversely, support that's done out in the open actually increases a person's stress level. He feels bad that you're going out of your way on his behalf and also feels indebted to you, which adds to the burden.)

So be sweet to your guy in subtle ways, suggests Barton Goldsmith, PhD, author of 100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence: Cook up his favorite dinner one night without mentioning anything about it, casually give him a back rub while he's working on the computer, or let him off the hook about attending Aunt Thelma's Fourth of July party with you. It turns out, the best assistance you can give him is concealing the fact that you're even lending him a hand in the first place.

Draw Him In
Ever find that the more you try to convince your guy to open up about a problem, the more he shuts down? This strategy will break the cycle.

Every relationship has a balance of power that experts describe as the pursuer/ distancer dynamic. Here's how it plays out.

The pursuer craves a deep connection and loves sharing his or her thoughts and feelings with a partner. The distancer requires greater emotional and physical space. As the pursuer tries to increase intimacy, the distancer withdraws further.

No surprise here: Women are usually the pursuers. But you can turn the tables. If you're often the one pushing for a tighter bond, detach some—hang out with your friends more, take up a solo hobby, and refrain from texting or calling him as much. As you cool off, he'll start warming up.

Unless he's totally checked out of the relationship, he'll be blowing up your phone.
We all love Nicki Minaj and all but honestly, who would ever tatt her whole face on their leg? Better yet, what man would do that? And is the fact that he's white make it any more crazy to you as it does to me? lmao. SMHHH.

(nothing against white people, I promise ♥) lol
And is looking so damn curvy! Go ahead girllll ;) Inside her interview with Self Magazine, Beyonce opens up about her motivation, her inspiration, her secret passion, and more! For the full interview, watch out for this issue on stands in September!

Her secret passion:
“I watched my parents get involved in [community charities], and that taught me how important it is to ‘give ’til it hurts.’ I saw how happy you could make people, whether just giving someone a hug, having a conversation or spending some time, and it became a part of me. I’ve realized that sometimes it helps a cause more if I talk publicly about it. That’s what increases awareness.”

What motivates her:
“Sisterhood means everything to me. All the charities I’m involved with are special, but I find any organization that focuses on women and children really motivating. GEMS and the young ladies the nonprofit helps are very close to my heart. And what I took away from the clients at Phoenix 
House changed my life. These were real people who touched me so much that I had to go beyond making a donation. They’re gaining skills at the Cosmetology Center, which will help them earn a living and find their way out of substance abuse—it’s a testament to the possibility of second chances.”

Who inspires her:
“My mother, Tina Knowles. She’s an incredibly loving person who is the first to make time for others.”

Her proudest accomplishment:
“Singing ‘At Last’ for President Barack Obama on his inauguration night was a personal accomplishment for me, both as a performer and an American.”

What she does when she’s not touring and/or making music:
“I love going to dinners, seeing plays, visiting museums and spending time with family and friends. I know it’s time to jump back into my work when everything I do starts inspiring lyrics and melodies and I can’t keep myself out of the studio.”

One thing she’d like to change about herself:
“I promise I’m working on this, but I could be less messy at home and keep the clothes in my closet and off the floor!”

How you can make a difference:
“Think about what truly touches you and motivates you to help, then start locally. Once it’s in your heart to give, you’ll have to follow through. I am a happy woman—very happy—because I know that I’ve worked hard, and I love being able to give back.”

Friday, August 20, 2010

Two days ago, my sister and I made a run to Woodbridge Mall for a shopping sesh and I decided to go into Steve Madden before we left. Of course I walked out with a new pair of stilletos to add to my collection =D. I am completely and utterly in LOVE with these bad boys. When the light hits them, I die inside lmfao. YES, they are that serious. They are covered in a gorgeous glitter material that looks even better in person. They're a nice 5 inches which is basically perfect height in my book. I absolutely ADORE these shoes. Price: $139 which I've convinced myself "isn't that bad" hahaha. I'm completely satisfied with my newest edition to my collection of heels ♥
Guys are assholes. They don’t know how to treat woman and thats why I feel like the lesbian rate is going up in this country.” - Snooki ♥
I finally have time to put up pictures from the NYX makeup I ordered that came in along with the makeup I bought from Ulta :)

First up are all my NYX Lipsticks! Let me say that I completely am in love with alllllllllll of them lol. It was my first time wearing red lipstick ("Hero"). It was a gamble ordering it because I didn't know whether I'd like it or not. I'm more of a nude and pink lipstick person. Once I tried on my new deep red lipstick, I definitely was in love. I completely forgot to take pictures with each of these on but you'll eventually see them up :)
Let me just say that "Thalia" is probably my all-time favorite lipstick right now ... ever lmao. It's the prettiest pink that is light but not too too light. I'll definitely order a duplicate because I love it that much. Pictures of looks using this lippy will be coming soon :)
The NYX Lipgloss in "Beige" is also amazing. It gives a great color by itself or on top of any of the other pink lipsticks. The NYX Lipgloss in "Smokey Look" (below) looks more orange in the picture but it really is kind of a nude color. It also is great alone or on top of any nude colored lipstick.
I bought this NYX lipliner in "Natural" to go with the pink lipsticks I have. Lipliners always better define your lips and how they look when you put a certain color on. Your lips definitely look really different with it on. If you wear lipsticks, you definitely should get into lipiners. JUST DON'T EVER BUY BLACK lmfao.
I bought this Maybelline NY Eyeshadow Quad in "Velvet Crush". I never tried eyeshadow quads before so I figured why not try it now. I'll do a review and a look using this eyeshadow quad when I actually use it :)
The last item on the list is Covergirl's Lash Blash Fusion Mascara. Everytime I finish a mascara, I always like to go try a new one just to see if there's an even better one out there that I don't know about haha. I've went from Bad Girl Lash, to MAC's ZoomLash, to Dior's Mascara, to Ulta's Mascara, and now to Covergirl's. I'll probably use this today for the first time so I'll eventually blog about it and see if it lives up to all the hype!
Maci is the only good example of a mommy on Teen Mom in my opinion. She's doing one HELL of a job especially since she has a deadbeat ex who really doesn't do much of anything. Even though her new boo looks aged as hell in the face, kudos to him for taking on a girl who has a baby. Can't find that nowadays at ALL lol.
I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.” - Kurt Cobain ♥
This HAS TO BE the BEST Trey Songz impersonation EVER bahahahahhahaha
We all know how Trey can sound like he's damn near yodeling when he ad-libs.
This guy can impersonate it THE best lmao
Watch & love ♥
I’m Not Doing Shit To Him, But Fucking & Having My Career.
SHAKING MY DAMN HEAD. Montana Fishbourne covered the latest issue of As Is Magazine. Yeah, they airbrushed her disgusting spotted ass lmfao. She also recently did an interview along with her boyfriend "J Pipes" -_________- She talks about her dad Laurence Fishbourne, what's the deal with her spotted ass, is her boyfriend her pimp, and more. Peep the video.
Yeah, Hov KILLED it on this remix of Kanye's 'Power'.
Not quite sure what Swizz Beatz was even doing on the damn track at the end though lmao.
Listen & Love ♥
We all know artist Wyclef Jean decided to run for President of Haiti. Welp, looks like his bid for Presidency was .. DENIED. An official list of the Presidential candidates was released yesterday and apparently his name did not make the cut.

I have nothing against Wyclef, but honestly Wyclef, you're a musician and know how to be one well. Yes, you've done a lot for Haiti as far as charity-wise, but that doesn't mean you can run a country. A lot of celebrities do an insane amount of work for a specific country or place but it doesn't mean that they're going to run for President of that place. He received a bunch of death threats and criticism for trying to run for President and I definitely know why. I guess he thought that after all of his charity efforts, it would be a clear win for him to run as President. I guess he thought wrong.
I'm not REALLY feelin' this video too much. I think Drake is doing TOO much lol.
I do like Weezy's somewhat feature in this song. Whoever edited this video did an amazing
job with having Weezy come in and out like a ghost. That's really all I liked about it.
You be the judge: listen, watch, love ♥

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this song & the video.
Then again, I will love anything by Trey lmaoo. Gahhhhdamnnnn Trey is looking so SHARP in the video!
Listen, Watch, Love ♥

Monday, August 16, 2010

.... who told Kanye it was even a little bit of a good idea to do a collab with Justin Beiber & Raekwon?
LMAO I'll be damned if this really happens.
I’m thinking that sometimes you just have to make the decision to be happy. Just realize that things aren’t ever what you hoped they’d be. Not ever. For anybody. The only thing that separates one kind of person from another is that there are some who stay angry about it and there are some who accept what comes their way.
I absolutely fell in loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with this shoe when I saw it. I heard of the designer Rachel Roy but never paid attention to what kind of shoes she makes. These are absolutely too fierce. I love the sequin detail and the studded heel. There is a 1" platform and a 4 3/4" heel. The price is only $99. Not bad at allllll! You can find them here to order =)
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