Ciara has gotten a bunch of criticism from her outfit she wore to the Givenchy Celebration at the MOMA in New York City earlier this week. According to much of the public/blogs, "she looks like a man more and more." Am I the only one who refuses to see this? She also got mad flack for how she looked in her video for 'Ride' because she looked to manly/muscular.
Ciara looked impeccable in the scenes of her wearing the fitted, belly shirt, and leggings. Her stomach was nothing less of cut and bangin'. I'd trade my no abs tummy for hers at any point in time. Homegirl put in WORK at the gym for that body and it honestly suits her just fine. She looked gorgeous to me in her video.
THE ONLY time her muscular frame came out for me was the scenes where she wore the bathing suit that required one hell of a brazilian wax. Only then could I see that her body was looking really muscular. And even so, I still thought she looked good.
In her outfit at this Givenchy event, I loved the look she was going for and how it came out. Like what is honestly wrong with a crop top and shredded jeans? Maybe the Mickey Mouse Adidas were a smidge extra but that doesn't mean she looks bad. I don't get what part of the picture screams manly. I don't see it because it doesn't exist.
She works for the body she has and looks good in it. It fits her. It wouldn't fit anyone else BUT her.
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Can we say jealousy? Thats all it boils down to... those saying she is manly dont have the body she has and couldnt get it even if they hired the best plastic surgeon team to tuck and suction all their bad areas! Ride was one HOT video... nothing manly there or in the above pics. And ditto to the Mickey Mouse shoes. lol
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