
Saturday, May 15, 2010

This past Friday marked the last day of my Freshman year at Seton Hall University :D I couldn't be happier.

My Freshman year has taught me so many life lessons that I never thought I'd learn. I've been the a shitload of nonsense both semesters. Through the nonsense I've gotten to have the most amazing people walk into my life. (You know exactly who you are). They say people come into your life for a reason and I truly feel like the ones who were there at the end of this Freshman year's journey will be there forever. I've met some of my closest friends in college & I'm so glad I did.

Along with people walking IN my life, a handful have walked out. The craziest thing is that I couldn't be happier LMAO. I used to care about so many people in the beginning of the schoolyear. NOW, you couldn't get me to give a damn if you paid me. This year at SHU has taught me that people can turn on you and people's true colors come out in the worst situations. I'm glad I was able to learn who people truly are this year because now I have 3 years of complete happiness ahead of me :)

Even though people have walked out, pictures that I have of memories throughout this year always bring me back to those times. People change but the good memories never change. Time to make new ones/ continue to make memories with those who contribute to my happiness.

I wonder who will and won't be returning to SHU this coming fall. With the price of tuition, I wouldn't even be mad if no one came back lmao. $48,000 a year is nothing to stick around for LOL.

God willing, next semester will bring so many big things for me along with those around me. In the meantime, I will be enjoying my summer and living it up to the fullest. I will be cakin' biggggggggggggggggg time.

Summer 2010, I'm ready for you

3 ♥:

☻TABOO♥ said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Im sure it was no easy feat but you made it. :) 1 down... 3 more to go. lol

L said...

Congratulations! I learnt the same lessons last year, and I'm still learning! Enjoy your summer!! <3

Lali said...

it sure wasn't easy at all but I made it :D! both of you enjoy your summer <3

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