
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm honestly a huge weirdo for not really caring that I'm even taking classes in the summer. This summer I'm taking Anatomy & Physiology 1 and 2. Today was the first class of Anatomy 1. Waking up for it wasn't that bad because my 8:30AM lab was cancelled so I just had to wake up for my 11:20AM lecture.

Of course both me and my girl Lyric bypassed our first alarms to wake up lol, so this morning was a rush. Woke up, we got ready, I did her makeup, we got breakfast, and back to Seton Hall we went.

I got into class borderline excited lmao. I took an Anatomy & Physiology class in highschool and actually liked it. Coming from a girl who doesn't even LIKE science like that, that's pretty big. The lecture went from 11:20 - 2:20 as planned. It wasn't bad. My professor did explain that missing ONE day of class is like missing a WEEK's worth of material -_____-

That's when I realized that this class was no joke.

On that note, when I have to wake up at 8:30 in the morning on Thursday for lab, I won't be anywhere NEAR as up and anxious to even be there.

Oh, and the massive downpour today? No Joke.

That is all.

0 ♥:

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