
Saturday, May 15, 2010

... Who gave you the "thumbs up" on this green hair getup? No, I'm being completely serious. What stylist would tell you that this is the new movement? First it was the black wig with the annoying pink undertone, which got annoying real quick. Now it's a puke green wig. What the hell is next? Is it me or is Nicki Minaj's style just spiraling downhill? Who the hell is behind this madness? Why hasn't her stylist been fired by management? Don't get me wrong I love her music, I think she's a pretty good rapper, & her body (whether real or not) is sick, but if I have to look at you in one more tacky outfit I'm going to scream.

And last but not least ............... DRAKE, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?

That is all.

1 ♥:

☻TABOO♥ said...

LOL Nikki Minaj is a substance just entertainment and shock value. Her stylist apparently used to work as a cartoonist for Marvel comics or the local newspaper's Comics section. There is NOTHING normal or human about the getups and hair "styles" she wears. FYI: Im annoyed too...

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